I arrived here in this timeline in my mission to get a old computer to bring him to future in order that the scientists to solve the old computers time epoch bug. Some of the new devices and technology was already built-in with a new timing formula better that yours but a percentage of the 2036 technology still use old architecture. A second mission was to observe the alien spaceship that past near Earth in summer - autumn of 2017, spaceship expelled by governments with a thermonuclear explosion and a lot of biological payload. They afraid by a global regime change.
In 2022 an asteroid will hit Russia again and make some damages. President Biden will be replaced because his medical condition.
In November 2023 a bigger megathrust earthquake will hit a region on Earth with almost 10 magnitude and this will change the earth orbit. Water waves with over 60 meters will hit coast lines. Such biggest earthquakes are triggered by Lagrange orbital systems and by geologic internal subcrustal progress of the paths. That earthquake will change Earth Lagrange path. Will be hundreds of thousands maybe one million of casualties. The storms will get over 500mph. In 2024 bank's will fall in a depression and the systems are changing.
Biggest volcano eruptions will start in 2024-2025. Yellowstone will have a small eruption that will allow scientists to determine that around 2107 year will come "the great eruption" and they will prepare for it to avoid it.
People fertility are dropped, no more healthy child's are born just a small percentage.
After that event people will know the biggest hunger and poverty. Will be a great fight for cheap and reliable energy between companies. The electric current as you know it now will be for limited population.
In 2026 in the fighting for getting new energy the scientists will activate a very ancient device that they think that represents a power source and will bring the entire planet in a parallel universe for three days, actually knowed as the mythical souls land. This event can be delayed because a similar one takes place in my time in your future but can't be avoided. I already informed great nations to work on a artificial Sun for this 3 days transition in the dark universe and will be done until 2036, the station is there activated on sky.
A lot of people will loose their minds, a percentage of entire global population. People will rise against governments will be consequences, resistance will born and they will use old technology and old wooden tubes radio or crystal devices to communicate between.
Hungary together with Romanians will make a contact with a extraterrestrial colony and also they have technology for weather control and earthquake forecasting.
In 2027 the Venice will be under water and other regions on the world but especially in northern hemisphere.
At the end of 2027, beginning of 2028 a new pandemic will start and a new cheap energy will be available for everyone. People will return to agriculture. The biggest depression will end here and a new gold era for technology starts. A new religion is launched based on Prometheus human culture and star borne. Old religions almost disappeared now. The "war against people" and the mass reduction is stopped.
In 2030 a nuclear accident will take place in Europe.
In 2033 there are no more Arctic on northern hemisphere, no more ice and a constant 10 degree Celsius in winter season. SpaceX launch first human starship to Mars.
In September US scientists receive from Hungary the schematics to build a time machine based on alien technology received. Not all dimensional extraterrestrial races are good. In the late of 2034 the first time machine start operating without human involve first. Objects and messages are placed on past and future timelines.
In 2034 the "Medical Gold Era" will end after 18 years and the "Robots Space Era" will begin.
Critical years for humanity extinction: 2023, 2026, 2028, 2036 and 2065-2066.
Also the events are built as their going and are not fixed well in this timeline, someones are someones are not fixed.
I will not provide informations about war but Algerians will...
Also you can read About post.